Veja o primeiro clipe da boy band do Nick Fury: Avengers Assemble!

A gente já tinha visto um preview do clipe naquele trailer/mashup de Os Vingadores com Se Beber Não Case e deu pra perceber que eles tem potencial (=P).

Na quarta-feira, eles lançaram o clipe da sua primeira música de trabalho. Bom, sem mais delongas, com vocês, a boy band do Nick Fury: Avengers Assemble!!!

Canta junto (créditos ao Nerdvision). E se você gostar (???) já tem no iTunes!


I’m mighty Thor

And this is war

You see my hammer, better run for the door.
(Iron Man)
A heart of steel
With sex appeal
I guess this super secret boy band is the real

(Black Widow backed up by Hawkeye)

Master assassin, but with some fashion

Bashing in heads for you


Yeah we can light up the sky like nobody else

We’re stopping all the bad guys, they’re just overwhelmed.

You say that you have an army, we have a Hulk.
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!
Avengers Assemble!
We are the ultimate fighting team.
Brought together by S.H.I.E.L.D. leader Nick Fury
Let’s kick the crap out of Thor’s brother Loki!
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!
Avengers Assemble!
Let’s go -oh -oh!
Avengers Assemble!

(Captain America)

Super soldier

I’ll be your shield

I can kick all kinds of ass on the battlefield


So what i’m green

With cut off jeans

You. wouldn’t. like. me. when i’m angry!

(Black Widow)

Master assassin, but with some fashion

Bashing in heads for you


Yeah we can light up the sky like nobody else

We’re stopping all the bad guys, they’re just overwhelmed.

You say that you have an army, we have a Hulk.
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!
Avengers Assemble!
We are the ultimate fighting team.
Brought together by S.H.I.E.L.D. leader Nick Fury
Let’s kick the crap out of Thor’s brother Loki!
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!
Avengers Assemble!
Let’s go -oh -oh!
Avengers Assemble!

Na na na na na na na na na nah

Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah, Moves Like Batman…

Middle 8

Cap – Baby, i once jumped real far on my motorbike

Thor – I am the God of Thunder, i said God that’s right.

Iron Man – I slept with 12 Playboy Bunnies… in one night.

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